La Palma Rueda

La Palma Rueda is a unique lming competition in the world. The coexistence that is generated
during a week between participating artists and locals, together with the beauty and spectacularity
of the island of La Palma, make it a vital experience.

La Palma Rueda is extreme cinema, guerilla cinema, jam cinema, express cinema, immediate
cinema, fast cinema, active cinema, cinema from the bowels, cinema at point blank range, cinema
in its purest form…

Some professionals who have participated in our contest, today are recognised talent in
international festivals such as Cannes, Berlinale or the Goyas.

La Palma Rueda has been since 2002 the pioneering lming contest in the whole world, which
every year is emulated by lm festivals around the world.


The participants face the challenge of devising a story, looking for locations and forming a technical and artistic team to shoot, edit and premiere a short lm on the island of La Palma during the week of the meeting, adjusting to a motto that is read at the opening ceremony.

All the work done is projected on the closing weekend of the festival.


Not everyone is prepared to participate in the La Palma Rueda lming contest and make good movies in extreme conditions.

You have to be a true guerilla lmmaker and know how to live together and share the experience with the rest of the participants. If you come… you will repeat!


  • Forget about everything you’ve learned before arriving on the island
  • Don’t bring any prepared stories
  • Prepare yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
  • Don’t think about the story you’re going to shoot
  • Let yourself be carried away by the island of La Palma
  • Do it yourself: La Palma Rueda has been designed for a single person to write, roll and edit their
    own short lm with as little technical equipment as possible, although a little help never hurts,
    especially in the subject of sound.
  • Take care of the island. It’s very pretty. Don’t leave bad memories.
  • The most important thing is coexistence.

If you follow these tips, you will live a vital and unique experience

Last warning call: There will be a before and after in your life.

Bases, inscripción y participantes del concurso de rodajes La Palma Rueda

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